About the Branch

What is the University of Calgary AIAA Branch?

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA for short, is the largest aerospace professional organization in the world. They strive to foster aerospace innovation and achievement and to connect their members to the aerospace industry. The new AIAA student branch at the University of Calgary grants members an exclusive link to this community for those interested in aircraft and space.

Board of Executives

Raleigh Nolan


My objective as the chair is to give members consistent high-quality activities that will help them advance in their professions. I see the club as a hub for all students where we will host activities at the university, act as a gateway to the various research opportunities, a space to learn design strategies, as well as other aerospace endeavours. My ultimate goal is for the club members to know exactly which aspect of aerospace they want to work in after graduation, to have technical knowledge that will give them an advantage in the workplace, and network with other students, faculty members, and public and private aerospace professionals who can help them in the early stages of their career.

Rimoon Koryal


Haziq Sabri

Director of Administration

Daniel Cha


Kai McDermott


Industry Council Advisors

Lockheed Martin

Industry Council Advisor


Industry Council Advisor

Faculty Advisors

Craig Johansen

SSE Research Chair in
Aerospace Engineering

Artem Korobenko

Associate Head of
Undergraduate Studies